I recently came across an interesting math problem involving a key exchange protocol over the ring \(\mathbb{Z}/(n)\) where \(n = pq\) for \(p\) and \(q\) prime. The protocol involves two parties, Alice and Bob, and proceeds as follows:

  • Alice randomly selects \(r_s\) and \(r_a\) from \(\mathbb{Z}/(n)\) with the constraint that \(\gcd(r_a, n) = 1\). She forms her secret \(s = r_sp\) and sends \(P_1 = r_as\) to Bob.
  • Bob randomly selects \(r_b\) from \(\mathbb{Z}/(n)\), also with the constraint that \(\gcd(r_b, n) = 1\). He sends \(P_2 = r_bA\) back to Alice.
  • Alice sends Bob \(P_3 = r_a^{-1}P_2\)
  • Bob obtains Alice’s secret by performing \(s = r_b^{-1}P_3\).

The parameters \(p, q, P_1, P_2, P_3\) are public, while \(r_s, r_a, r_b\) are private.

Let’s say Alice and Bob ran this protocol and an eavesdropper, Eve, wanted to compromise their private parameters. Eve might be tempted to multiply \(P_1\) by \(p^{-1}\) and thereby obtain \(s\). Unfortunately for Eve, this immediately fails since \(\mathbb{Z}/(n)\) has zero divisors–namely, any element that is a multiple of \(p\) or \(q\) will have no inverse! This also means that any attempts by Eve to multiply \(P_i\) with \(P_j^{-1}\) to solve for private parameters will also fail, as all \(P_i\) have a factor of \(p\).

However, all is not lost for Eve. Recall that \(P_1\) can be expressed as the following congruence: \(P_1 \equiv r_a r_sp \pmod{n}\). By definition, \(P_1 = kn + r_sp = k(pq) + r_ar_sp\). Eve can then treat \(P_1\) as an element of \(\mathbb{Z}\) and compute \(D_1 = P_1/p = kq + r_ar_s\), which is really just \(r_ar_s \pmod{q}\). Eve proceeds identically for \(P_2\) and \(P_3\), obtaining \(D_2 \equiv r_ar_br_s \pmod{q}\) and \(D_3 \equiv r_br_s\pmod{q}\). This “reduction” modulo \(q\) is significant because the ring \(\mathbb{Z}/(q)\) has no zero divisors, meaning every non-zero element is invertible!

Eve now has the following system:

\[\begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{aligned} & D_1 \equiv r_a r_s \pmod{q}\\ & D_2 \equiv r_a r_b r_s \pmod{q} \\ & D_3 \equiv r_b r_s \pmod{q}\\ \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation*}\]

Eve can solve for \(r_b \pmod{q}\) by computing \(D_1 D_2^{-1} \pmod{q} = (r_a r_b r_s) (r_a r_s)^{-1} \pmod{q}\). Eve also needs to compute \(r_b \pmod{p}\) in order to piece together \(r_b \pmod{n}\); to do this, she creates a similar system

\[\begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{aligned} & D_4 \equiv r_a r_s \pmod{p}\\ & D_5 \equiv r_a r_b r_s \pmod{p} \\ & D_6 \equiv r_b r_s \pmod{p}\\ \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation*}\]

and computes \(D_4 D_5^{-1} \pmod{p}\). Eve can then simplify this system to obtain

\[\begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{aligned} & r_b \pmod{p}\\ & r_b \pmod{q}\\ \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation*}\]

She then applies the Chinese remainder theorem to obtain \(r_b \pmod{n}\). From here, Eve can trivially recover \(s\) by performing \(r_b^{-1}P_3\).

There is actually an even quicker approach that Eve can take to recover \(s\): realize that for \(n = pq\), \(p(a \mod{q}) = pa \pmod{n}\). This is easy to see by definition of \(b \equiv a \pmod{q}\), which means \(b = kq + a\). Therefore \(pb = k(pq) + pa\), and the result follows. In this case, Eve knows that \(P_3\) contains a factor of \(p\), so she can actually perform \(P_3 (r_b^{-1} \pmod{q}) \pmod{n}\) to obtain \(s\).

The below script demonstrates both of Eve’s approaches in action:

import random
from math import gcd

q = random_prime(1<<256, proof=False)
p = random_prime(1<<256, proof=False)
n = p * q

# Private parameters
r_s = random.randint(1, n)
r_a = 0
r_b = 0
s = (r_s * p) % n

while gcd(r_a, n) != 1:
    r_a = random.randint(1, n)

while gcd(r_b, n) != 1:
    r_b = random.randint(1, n)

# Public parameters
P_1 = (s * r_a) % n
P_2 = (P_1 * r_b) % n
P_3 = (P_2 * inverse_mod(r_a, n)) % n

# Eve stuff
D_1 = int(P_1 / p)
D_2 = int(P_2 / p)
D_3 = int(P_3 / p)

## Approach 1: Chinese Remainder Theorem

# Compute r_b modulo p and q
rb_mod_p = (D_2 * inverse_mod(D_1, p)) % p
rb_mod_q = (D_2 * inverse_mod(D_1, q)) % q

# Piece together r_b (mod n) via the Chinese remainder theorem
rb_mod_n = crt([rb_mod_p, rb_mod_q], [p, q])

# Compute the secret via r_b^-1 * P_3, which yields s = p * r_s
v = (inverse_mod(rb_mod_n, n) * P_3) % n

## Approach 2: multiply rb_mod_q by P_3, take modulo n

v_2 = (P_3 * inverse_mod(rb_mod_q, q) % n)

assert(v == v_2 == s)